When you have a dermatological condition, you need a Dermatologist who listens and responds appropriately. Dr. Brennan has a vast knowledge and experience of the full spectrum of dermatological conditions and can effectively diagnose and treat your needs by spending the necessary time with each and every patient. She will counsel you on the best ways to maintain and improve your skin health and give you the individualized attention you deserve.
towne centre for dermatology

Health is more than just skin-deep, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get to feel great and look great. At Towne Centre for Dermatology, our team of doctors, our Nurse Practitioner, esthetician, and certified specialists tackle dermatology from all ends of the spectrum, from eczema to skin cancer screening to laser, injectables, and all those other little procedures that can make all the difference in how you feel — and how you look.

don’t wait to get that spot checked out
Come see us now for personalized dermatological care. Work with Dr. Brennan and her team to find the root cause of your skin concerns and develop a treatment plan that works for your lifestyle.